Tennis Elbow

The In’s and Out’s of Elbow Pain

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Did you know that there are two well-known repetitive strain injuries common in the elbow? One is Tennis elbow and the other is Golfer’s elbow and they are not restricted to those who play tennis or golf. In both of these conditions’ tendon damage causes soreness and/or pain around the elbow. In this article we will be focusing on Tennis elbow, in which symptoms are noted on the outside of the elbow or the lateral epicondyle. The symptoms of tennis elbow are noticeable when the palm is turned upward. When damage occurs to these tendons in the forearm makes wrist movements and forearm rotation painful and can limit day to day activities.

Tennis elbow is considered a repetitive movement injury. The name is derived from repetitive movements that commonly occur when playing tennis. In fact, any repetitive movement from consistent turning and twisting can cause tennis elbow. Examples include working on an industrial machine, desk job, and other sports. Sometimes, tennis elbow can actually be caused by a direct blow to the tendons of the elbow area.

Did you know that a physical therapist can help relieve pain and restore motion and strength to the arm, wrist, fingers, and elbow? Our therapists can help you with the recovery as well as injury prevention and future recurrences of tennis elbow.

Your physician may recommend prescription medication to reduce pain and inflammation. The physical therapist will work closely with the physician to improve circulation, promote healing and help restore full function as quickly as possible.

If you or someone you know has pain in your forearm that interferes with daily activities, ask your physician if physical therapy is right for you. You can also contact us directly at In Touch Physical Therapy and we'll be happy to schedule an appointment right away.

At In Touch Physical Therapy, we will design an exercise program that is geared towards your specific needs, abilities and goals and help you. Don't suffer with the constant pain and restrictions of tennis elbow anymore. Contact our office today at 507-451-7888. Our goal is to help you. We'll be your ticket to a speedy recovery.